Usage of internet technologies allow companies:
- efficiently interact inside marketing channels based on common data and solutions,
- easier and cheaper to build, maintain and supervise the work of business units.
ease of usage
big flexibility in
lesser price
- work is performed using a standard browser, Internet-based application at the request of user on the server dynamically generates the requested information;
- server solution can be owned by the company or be rented - i.e. work in the 'cloud';
- all authorized channel and company information is available;
- channel information is created and maintained by channel users, e.g. market description or event planning and other - in result - the quality of planning and cowork result is raising
- all event steps are recorded and their current status is available for analysis to partners - i.e. minimizing calls, erros and incoordination;
- workplace arrangement - franchise, clients, suppliers, transports operators;
- equipment selection - for information access;
- choosing the option for company system functionality extension, which supplies branches and francise;
- there are many products that do not need licensing for every workstation;
- requires less labor input transition to the next version you are using an ERP system;
- personeel education;
- pieces of information - examples - by themselves clients of the compan:
- quickly and accurately enter customer orders, the status of their performance is evaluated;
- obtain information on price, volume and characteristics of products offered etc.;
- e-shops;
- В2В systems, opportunities for partners to the enterprise better and cheaper to work with him;
- e-trading platforms;
- questioning systems etc.;
Got questions? Contact us using e-mail, skype or phone, we will provide You with new solutions for your informational system.