Internet trading became very popular in last years - electronic commerce systems:
- internet wipes time and space limitations in sales organization;
- electronic B2B sales schemes lower cost of order control, helping trading companies - retailers and its clients
- lower time from negotiations to order payment;
- new product advertisement and offers management;
- easy and fast order generation and getting data about their completion;
- cooperation recording.
WebNav B2B system functions to organize marketing channel work (is possible to use in SaaS model):
Order Generation
Order completion control
Account condition control
Partner cooperation
potential possibilities
- product selection from integrated catalogue;
- using current prices from clients price-list and current/planned warehouse balance;
- copy order from archive or import from clients file;
- order document copy printing;
- export order file for clients system;
- generated order is moved in NAV database with clients debt control;
- order agreement;
- completion control;
- order file export for clients system;
- current account status;
- list of opened offers;
- ability to add possible invoice payment date;
- client purchase document archive examination;
- ordered product statistics examination;
- order agreement;
- clients manager CRM activity examination просмотр;
- clients answers on managers propositions;
- clients requests to manager;
- information sharing with clients about new offers and products;
in vertical marketing system bounds:
- ability to receive and form orders in clients channel pyramid bounds;
- participants work with purchase/sales budgets;
- market description support and usage;
- retailer clients product sales account for further cooperated offer analysis;
Our partner in B2B WebNav product development and support is BAGUA SIA, which uses ERP iScala in their solutions.