sales accents
Overall accents of e-office internet-application retail - ERP system thoughts movement , GroupWare,project and document flow management on member group support of sales marketing (CRP):
- simplicity - there is no necessity to educate channel members
- visibility - ability fast and easy to evaluate current situation in marketing channel or in branches
- member expenditures decrease, e.g. when organizing franchise, carriage, supply etc.
- direct channel member participation in planning, account and event evaluation.
E-catalogue |
Order generation |
- Convenient product group selection options
- Characteristics and image lists
- prices and discounts by planned period
- Individual client catalogues *
- Cart generation options - in dialog, through file import or using invoice from document archive
- Debt and new order notification
- Order generation by clients client i.e. in all channel vertical *
Order completion status |
Account control status |
- Order coordination status and archive
- Independent document template printing
- Order change autocontrole option.
- Credit line account and payment delay coordination
- Archived invoice file export for members ERP
- Table and histogram statistical analysis
Project and event management |
Budgeting |
- Convinient way to analyse current channel information
- project, job, event, discussion etc. lists
- event status analysis 'tree'
- color indicators of delayed jobs, unprocessed issues, document counters etc..
- Event and member cooperation archiving
- Member automatic notification by email/sms.
- Purchase budget template acquisition from vendor
- dates, groups, product codes and names
- quantity, summ etc.
- Budget comparison to statistics or any other budget edition
- Market and archive description of budget coordination
- Result modeling by work periods *
- selfcost, realization, profit, profitability account.
* - potential application extension.