A list of systems to automate processes
- vertical marketing system of information support the sales channel
- ERP resource management system
- workflow system and staff communication.
Vertical marketing system (VMS) automates information processing and interaction in next process groups:
1. overall for channels
2. vendor-clients
3. shipments
4. supplier-shop
5. customer-shop
1. overall for channel
2. supplier-client
3. shipment
4. supplier-shop
5. customer-shop
- analysis of sales results and state of stocks and markets sub channel;
- planning, monitoring implementation and analysis of stock market;
- CRM-interaction marketing, sales and purchases of participants;
- exchange of news and information channel between the ERP systems of participants;
- support for the description of the status and forecast of market channel;
- analysis of sales results and state of the channel stock of goods, including monitoring compliance with agreed budgets;
- exchange of e-documents and e-state inventory - orders, approvals, invoices, packing lists, price lists, etc.;
- offer development and monitoring of performance:
- budgets, sales / procurement and marketing;
- Actions to promote products;
- Goods orders and subsequent payments;
- Order the carriage and its e-negotiation, control calculations;
- Control of cargo location, weather and other delivery;
- Support for e-reference parameters of transport - carrying capacity, area, volume, count, etc.;
Support e-shop manual settings - the area of the shelves, plan and photos of rooms, etc.;
Maintenance of merchandisers :
- e-maintained lists of shops, range, volume, shelf;
- fixing the state of the shelves - its - e-inventory, pictures, commentary, competitors - the description of goods, prices and stocks;
- support the formation of the reorder stock and reports;
- offer coordination, monitoring and analysis ;
- e-list and e-order;
- search for the location of the desired product and its characteristics;
- e-claims on the goods purchased, and the reaction to them;
- list of offers;
Resource planning system (ERP) automates information processing for further process groups:
1. purchase
2. warehouse management
3. manufacturing
4. sales
5. finance and other