Other business process (BP).
Below you can see examples of business automation, based on three business process cooperation:
- Self-Service - client selfservice through B2B & B2C internet application
- Front Office - client service and further processing of primary documents - based o internet applications
- Back Office - operation and document planning account and processing, result analysis using ERP system
Real estate management system example:
client self service
billing system
back office - ERP
- complex, sale and rent service web-catalogue view;
- internet provision - service order with procedures of electronical agreement;
- counter registrations processing and clients history view;
- internet newspaper of house complex;
- client opinion account and manager response;
- ...;
- list usage ERP system results;
- contract, object passport and budget data base administration;
- internet processing - service purchase with electronical agreement;
- resource, material and work planning and account;
- subscriber invoice account and generation by contracts;
- passing generated invoice in ERP system;
- ...;
- resource, service and client and vendor price list;
- account • completed jobs • used resources and materials;
- document process;
- control • client and company debts • partner invoices;
- material, service and resource purchase;
- bookkeping;
- ...;
Universal BP example - quality control system - allows to organize technology and base for purchased product quality control / manufactured / selled by company or its partners:
control volume description
control form creation
quality control execution
control result analysis
- lot size and percent is shown for planning control in informational database;
- warehouse bill processing mechanism count product quantity for obligatory control;
- quality control task creation;
- question list;
- answer option list;
control result recording in companys data base using barcode scanner and web cameras:
- photo;
- quality control and corresponding quantity;
- lot quantity review for planning control:
- quality mark account during payroll counting or during payables account;