franchising and vertical marketing system.
The success of the franchise depends on the network including on how well its vertical marketing system (VMS) helps trading partners to communicate and network.
Building and supporting a vertical marketing system (VMS) allows:
- ensure maximum consistency in the actions of channel members, effective use of network resources;
- organize a collaborative demand forecasting, capacity planning and schedule sales, planning and conduct of the shares;
- speed up and reduce the cost of document management, audit and information sharing network.
We can help you organize the information provision of the franchise network through the use of the Internet and expanded into the region of MRM (Marketing Resource Management) В2В WebNav, providing online interaction between participants franchisees to increase sales and profits.
Information system of the franchisor and the franchisee is in two parts:
- group of local participants in the channel of ERP systems to integrate a network;
- network of vertical online marketing system interacting with a franchise system participants to ensure that the sales channel, which allows to use the mode of outsourcing web-based information and human resources of the company to achieve mutually beneficial cooperation.
Обычно используются две основные франчайзинговые логистические модели товародвижения:
- The use of ERP systems for autonomous operational merchandise management in the procurement policy with a single nomenclature and some suppliers to obtain the most favorable conditions for the purchase of goods. The organization of trade is not strictly regulated. The main controls - for the range and volume of purchases of key commodities, using the agreed budget sales.
- A single operational management of merchandise throughout the company, when all the participants in the network are working together with a common information system of the channel and its semi-autonomous systems, ERP. The entire logistics process from production and / or purchase of goods from suppliers to replenish the franchisee undertakes franchiser.