Business process management
Web site describes informational support of business:
- two types of business processes
- operational - internal and external inside channel - generates company's main income and compiles it's business - marketing and sales, supply and manufacturing, warehouse management
- maintaining - internal - provide business - accounting, personeel management, informational support, workflow
- three types of information systems, which supports business-processes
- ERP Navision - company's resource account and planning, result analysis - internal processes in local network
- В2В WebNav - partner interaction using internet, or vertical marketing system (VMS) - sales channel process informational internet provision - sales, shipping, account, planning, communication, market promotions, market map - channel holders web portal is used for internal and external processes
- SharePoint - workflow and personeel control organization - corporate processes.
An automated enterprise management systems are used by staff in the organization of the following processes:
Process dispatching
В2В interaction with partners
Personnel communication and managing
Document flow and project managing
Other processes
E R P - status and result - record and analysis - BACK OFFICEMicrosoft Dynamix™ NAV B2B + B2C / VMS - FRONT OFFICE
Corporate advertising
Market and product description
Product quality control
Moving product scanning
Personnel and payroll account
We offer our experience and solutions to:
web portal development
1. internal business process internet - support (the alternative way to extend current ERP system)
- budgeting, accounting, dispatching, work flow and other;
2. vertical marketing system functioning for internet - support of sales channel work - sales partner coworking improvement :
- planning (market promotions, sales and purchase volumes, payements, shipping, ...), controle (market status, payment dues, stock, ...), agreement (shop shelf contents, market promotion budget and schedule);
- network resource maintenance - order, price list, remaining qtty., current order status exchange;
- document flow automation (contract, reclamations,...), personeel training and contro (franchise, branches), result analysis, channel news exchange and other;
informational provision of company business-process:
- interaction with clients;
- budgeting;
- dispatching;
- document flow;
- etc.;
- Sales and Income volumes;
- speed and quality in order generation and process;
- labour output force thanks to quality planning and operational forecast:
- resource usage;
- cash and product flow;
- interaction with channel partners;
- personnel awareness and control;
- business management:
- use information in any place in your company or world without license and technical restrictions - internet browser works perfectly on different devices such as new smartphones or old personal computers ;
- one general database is used to store company information, it is used by personnel and informational subsystems - no more informational doubling, delays, differences, data loses;
- process labour input;
- personnel education level;
- failure and error qtty.;
- creation and exploitation of company infromational system price;
- our internet solutions don't require work place license;
- internet products mostly are cheaper than specialized ERP extensions;
- learning time - internet browsers used for internet solutions are familiar to everyone, what significantly lowers learning time;
Steps for process informational provision:
- selection and implementation of ERP system
- personeel training standard features of the system
- harmonization of existing operational business processes with the potential ERP (Business Process)
- B2B online interaction with partners and B2C for clients
- construction of a vertical marketing system (VMS) sales channel process informational internet provision.