The objectives of automation in process scheduling:
- reduction:
- number of emerging issues and related to it expenses and losses;
- department idle and overload;
- process analysis and accomplishment forecast analysis complexity;
- controllers issues in preventing and solving encounrtered issues;
- simplification and improvement:
- process planning taking into account current situation and forecast of its development;
- department and management opportunities to obtain reliable information on current and planned business processes;
- storing cases and causes of recorded problems;
- statistical analysis of problems to improve business processes and information system;
Examples of automation of controllers work:
- workplace screens
- current month budgets - sales, production, purchase, maintenance, ...
- prepared and current orders lists - sales, production, ...
- accomplishment date semaphore, materials availability, ...
- warehouse stock status and set of documents,
- product shipment scanned data,
- data generation and processing:
- operating budget generation of orders for operational planning processes throughout the enterprise,
- its modification - assignment of executors and dates, materials replacement, price and discount recount, ...
- prints and order accomplishment coordination,
- system message notification,
- timely and other report printing.
Screen examples