Website contents
- upper menu article - this is our view on business-process provision to achieve ERP automation aims
- competitive ability and result rise of company,
- price improvement correlation / quality administrative information
- support of effective cooperation between sales marketing channel partners,
- help in situation evaluation and best solution selection
- getting big freedom in personnel selection
- left menu column - our product promotion, which are used in process automation and pages for interaction with us
- services approaching in business-process and information system provision
- ERP system intranet and ineternet solutions.
Key website audience:
- coworking options for clients with us
- demo version solution view
- key question discussion
- on forums and social networks, on meetings with managers on our 'round tables'
- email, phone, meetings at our office or at clients
- in article editing and for information view convenience we have implemented bookmark view in our articles - to view text under bookmarks just hover mouse on the header.
Described and automated processes: